Black History in the US Military

It’s impossible to reflect on the history of America’s military without reflecting on Black history and Black Veterans. African American soldiers have served the United States military since before the country acknowledged them as free citizens.

The first casualty in the American Revolution of any race, Crispus Attucks was slain by British soldiers during the Boston Massacre. After reportedly escaping slavery to acquire his own freedom, Attucks lost his life during the initial conflict for American freedom in 1770.

Since Attucks’ death and throughout the history of America’s military, Black Veterans have continued to put their lives on the line for the freedom of the United States. Today, approximately 14% of Veterans in the United States are African American, and face the same issues that Veterans combat on a daily basis.

Crispus Attucks

Issues Black Veterans Face Today

Before the COVID-19 pandemic, it was estimated that more than 12,000 Black Veterans were homeless on any given night in the United States. These Veterans fought for their home country and returned without a home to sleep in.

Despite the skills and experience they gained in the military, many Black Veterans, like numerous other Veterans, struggle to find work after their service. It’s estimated that a staggering 4% of Black Veterans face unemployment. More resources are needed to connect Veterans to the jobs they need and have earned after returning home.

Compounding these two issues are the rates at which Black Veterans suffer from mental health disorders. More than 10% of Black Veterans suffer from PTSD after service, and more than 8% of Black Veterans report suicide ideation. As is the case with Veterans from all backgrounds, Black Veterans need and have earned increased access to mental health resources.

Resources for Black Veterans

Black Veterans deserve the level of support provided to Veterans from all demographics and branches of the U.S. Military. Recognizing the centuries of contributions made by Black Veterans to our military, Nation’s Finest is dedicated to ensuring they receive the comprehensive support they have rightfully earned. We will leave no Veteran behind.  

Here are some of the services that Nation’s Finest team members can provide to Veterans of all eras and backgrounds:

  • transitional housing
  • permanent supportive housing
  • homelessness prevention services
  • employment services
  • individual therapy sessions 
  • group therapy sessions
  • And more – we tailor our approach to each Veteran 
NF Supports Black Veterans

How You Can Help Veterans in Need

Help us provide Veterans in the Black community and beyond with a comprehensive approach to housing, health and employment. Your donation to Nation’s Finest is more than a financial contribution; it’s an investment in hope and stability for those who have already sacrificed so much.

Click below to make a donation now and join us in ensuring no Veteran is left behind.